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发展趋势南美顾客时一定要关心到随时随地跟进这一类型的顾客搞好沟通交流,该类型顾客几乎沒有很多的黏性主要表现,换句话说在和外贸公司沟通交流环节中尽管要说的侃侃而谈,可是这一类型的公司用户所具备的满意度并非很高,即使长期性进行业务流程来往,这一类型的用户也会依据产品价钱的转变,挑选 市面中给与优惠 多的供应商,因此一旦和这一类型的用户完成了基本联系以后就应当迅速跟进,不必让这一类型的用户做太多的挑选 ,造成变成别的经销商的用户。

Ms. Evelyn:

In the last communication process, we have discussed the prices of these commodities in detail, and the two sides have reached a consensus, but the other side did not respond further, reminding your company that in the last negotiation process, the discount of 5% of the total price we talked about is based on the new agent preferential mechanism in the first quarter of 2019, that is to say, the latest is April 15. At the end of April 15, if you still haven't made a decision on whether to buy the product or not, you can't enjoy this mechanism without putting the subscription money into our account. That is to say, in the course of this product transaction, the other party will buy the product at full price, and this type of product will not be able to get preferential treatment.

。 In the near future, the price of commodities is constantly rising in the international market. In order to take care of the actual needs of new and old customers, our company has not raised the price. But it is only before June. If the price of processing costs of upper and lower chain enterprises is raised before June, our company will also raise the price of products. I hope your company will raise the price of products in the short term. Be able to make decisions as soon as possible.



在之前的交流环节中,大家早已对这批日用具的价位开展了详尽的商谈,彼此也早已完成了的共识,但贵方一直沒有进一步的回应,提示贵司留意,在之前的商谈全过程中,大家所提到的总价格5%的优惠是根据2019年度 一季度新入 商优惠体制,换句话说其 联欢晚会在4月15日完毕,假如贵司在4月15日以前仍然沒有做出是不是购买产品的决策,沒有将订购钱款打进我企业账户中,是没法享有这一优惠措施的,换句话说在此次产品交易方式中贵方要以全票价买进这一类型产品,将不能得到优惠。

近环节在 销售市场上日用具的产品市场价格在持续上升当中,我企业为了更好地照料新旧用户的真实要求,因而在价钱上并沒有提高,但这只是是6月以前,假如在6月以前因为左右传动链条公司生产成本价钱的提高,我公司也会开展产品价钱提高,期待贵司在短时间以内可以尽早作出管理决策。

这篇信件中该外贸公司 先关键提及了“Remind your company that during the last negotiation, the 5% discount we talked about was based on the first quarter of 2019 new agent discount mechanism, that is to say, it will end on April 15 at the latest.” 确立的提醒了另一方本次优惠的時间限制,假如另一方公司没有在限制時间以内购买产品,那麼其产品的价位可能在短时间以内修复售价,该公司也就难以在产品购买全过程当中得到较高回报了。“If you still haven't made a decision on whether to buy the products before April 15, you can't enjoy this mechanism without putting the subscription money into our account.”

以后该企业还确立表述了那样的用意,“Therefore, there is no price increase, but it is only before June. If by June due to the increase of processing cost price of upper and lower chain enterprises, our company will also increase the price of products.” 尽管在表达形式层面和以上的一些內容有着一定的差别,但很显而易见也是在让另一方尽早提交订单,那样的作法所具备的功能是十分明显的,可以督促另一方尽快作出决定。


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